Last Week of School Dismissal - June 03-07: TK/K dismissal at 11:50AM and grades 1st-5th dismissal at 12PM
Última semana de salida escolar 03-07 de junio: Salida de TK/K a las 11:50 a. m. y salida del grado 1.° al 5.° a las 12:00 p. m.

CLASES GRATUITAS PARA PADRES En asociaciĂłn con Success Together Jueves 16 de mayo de 2024 y jueves 23 de mayo de 2024 UbicaciĂłn: CafeterĂa TES

FREE PARENT CLASSES In Partnership with Success Together Thursday, May 16, 2024 & Thursday, May 23, 2024 Location: TES Cafeteria

Join the fun! Leveling UP our Learning SBAC Rally May 10th:
3rd Grade - Wear red đź”´
4th Grade - Wear green🟢
5th Grade - Wear blue 🔵

Coming Soon!! 2023-2024 Milton O. Wilen Awards Ceremony - Save the date May 21, 2024, we hope to see you there!

La inscripciĂłn para el Programa DespuĂ©s de Clases 2024-2025 será el 14 y 15 de mayo de 4:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. CafeterĂa TES. Para más informaciĂłn comunĂquese con Aylyn González 559-904-9590.

Registration for 2024-2025 After School Program will be on May 14 and May 15 from 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. TES Cafeteria. For more information contact Aylyn Gonzalez 559-904-9590.

Thursday May 9th @4:30 p.m. Tamarack Elementary Cafeteria

We are excited to share that Tamarack Elementary is continuing to make progress on our new facilities! Friday, May 3rd concrete will be being poured on the West Side of the school beginning at 3:30am. Trucks are scheduled to be off campus by 8:00am. Expect morning drop off delays and traffic.Â

¡Estamos emocionados de compartir que la Primaria Tamarack continúa progresando en nuestras nuevas instalaciones! El viernes 3 de mayo se verterá concreto en el lado oeste de la escuela a partir de las 3:30 am. Está previsto que los camiones salgan del campus a las 8:00 am. Espere retrasos en la entrega y tráfico por la mañana.

The 9th Annual RSUSD Math Bowl! Competition will be held on Friday, April 26th! Good Luck to this year's participants!

We are excited to share that Tamarack Elementary is making progress on our new facilities! Tomorrow Thursday April 18th concrete will be being poured on the West Side of the school beginning at 3:00am. Trucks are scheduled to be off campus by 6:30am. If for some reason there are still any trucks near the campus during this time, expect drop off delays and traffic.

Join us on April 17th for a Spring Block Party presented by Avenal Police Department from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Lassen and Corcoran Avenue. Hope to see you there!

Ăšnase a nosotros el 17 de abril para una fiesta de bloque de primavera presentada por el Departamento de PolicĂa de Avenal a partir de las 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. por las calles de Lassen y Corcoran Avenue. Los esperamos!

Annual Health, Career, and Resource Fair is back! Event was so successful at RSMS we needed a bigger location. Now being held at Avenal High School on Saturday, April 20, for all RSUSD families.

¡Vuelve la Feria Anual de Salud, Carreras y Recursos! El evento tuvo tanto éxito en RSMS que necesitábamos una ubicación más grande. Ahora se llevará a cabo en Avenal High School el sábado 20 de abril para todas las familias de RSUSD.

Join us for TES Open House on Tuesday, April 16!

¡Únase a nosotros para Casa Abierta de TES el martes 16 de abril!

La camioneta dental móvil llegará al condado de Kings el 12 de abril para brindar servicios dentales a niños, adolescentes y familias. Para preinscribirte y reservar tu espacio, llama al 1-888-585-3368.

The Mobile Dental Van is coming to Kings County on April 12th to provide dental services to children, teens, and families. To pre-register and reserve your space, call 1-888-585-3368.