

The following rules will apply at all times, to and from school and throughout the day.

  1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  2. Be on time and prepared to learn.

  3. Be courteous, respectful, and cooperative.

  4. Use safe conduct at all times.

Student Dress Code:

The following minimum standards are required of all students to ensure their safety and preserve an environment conducive to learning. The standards also apply to school sponsored activities:

  • Appearance shall be neat, clean and safe. Makeup/glitter products are not allowed.

  • Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Examples of prohibited garments are;

    • See-thru or fishnet fabrics,

    • Tights without an over garment,

    • Tops with string-straps, halters and off the shoulder styles,

    • Low cut and wide armhole tops, and tank tops (including jerseys) without shirts underneath. Any shirt that does not cover waist when both arms are raised, Un-hemmed shorts/skirts shorter than mid-thigh or above fingertips with arms at side Pants/shorts/skirts with large holes or rips in them

  • All clothing, accessories, or jewelry are prohibited that contain: Lettering/designs that depict sexually suggestive and/or violent expressions or actions Profanity, obscenity, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and/or weapons Anything that degrades an individual or a group or anything that distracts in nature (i.e... expensive jewelry) or is inappropriate for an age group.

  • All clothing, accessories, or jewelry that is deemed to be gang-related is strictly prohibited.

  • Shoes must be worn and should be appropriate for physical education class activities. Examples of prohibited shoes are: Backless or slip-on shoes (slippers are allowed for pajama day only) High heels (>1”) or platform shoes

    Roller skate shoes (heelies)

    *Students are responsible to bring appropriate shoes for P.E. if not worn to school

  • Hats, caps, sun visors may be worn outdoors only. Dark glasses are prohibited unless they are prescribed. Exceptions must be approved by both the classroom teacher and administration.

  • Tattoos (including temporary) are not allowed. Permanent tattoos must be covered.

  • Clothing that could be used as a weapon, including steel toed boots, chains, spikes or studs are prohibited.

Exception to Policy: Exceptions to the dress code may be made for special days or special events as approved by the administration. Religious beliefs, when verified, may be grounds for an exemption to a specific portion of the Dress Code Policy. A petition for an exemption from enforcement of a specified portion of the Dress Code Policy may be submitted to the Administrator. If the Administrator feels the exemption is potentially valid, he/she may hold a hearing on the student’s behalf that would include the Administrators; a Teacher; the President of ASB; the student in question; and his/her parent. The hearing would determine if the exemption for the specific portion of the Dress Code is granted or denied.

The administration reserves the right to determine which clothing or appearance is inappropriate or disruptive to the educational process. Students who are considered out of dress code are referred to the Administration Office. The Administrator will make a determination whether or not the student is out of dress code. If the Administrators determine that the student does not meet dress code regulations, the student may be temporarily removed from classes until dress code regulations are met or be issued “loaner” apparel to wear.