Our Special Education Department ensures that a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) is provided to all qualified students with disabilities. We collaborate with Special Education Teachers, General Education Teachers, Psychologists, Special Education Aides and other Educational Professionals in order to better serve our students.
Support Staff

Cynthia Granados
Wellness Specialist
(559) 386-9083
Email: cgranados@rsusd.org

Nancy Gutierrez
Wellness Specialist
(559) 386-9083
Email: ngutierrez@gmail.com

Trae Lewis
District Psychologist
(559) 386-9083 ext. 1040
Email: tlewis@gmail.com

Logan Martin
Wellness Specialist
(559) 386-9083 ext. 1040
Email: lmartin@rsusd.org

Chelsea Mora
District Psychologist
(559) 386-9083 ext. 1040
Email: cmora@rsusd.org

Wellness Specialist
Guadalupe Paredes
(559) 386-9083
Email: gparedes@rsusd.org

Brenda Rose
School Psychologist
(559) 386-9083 ext. 1040
Email: brose@rsusd.org

Fabian Sanchez
Wellness Specialist
(559) 386-9083 ext. 1040
Email: fsanchez@rsusd.org