Mr. David Price
District Health and Wellness Coordinator
Phone: 559-386-9083
Congratulations David!
San Joaquin Valley College recently reached out to Mr. Price to feature him in their media campaign promoting their RN program—a program from which he proudly graduated. His incredible journey is truly inspiring, and we are so fortunate to have him as part of our school community.
Thank you, David, for the endless dedication you show to the students and parents of our community.

District RN
Ms. Christal Torres
Phone: 559-386-9083
email: ctorres@rsusd.org

School Nurse Assistant
Julie Enriquez
Avenal High School and
Sunrise High School
559-386-5253 ext. 2018

School Nurse Assistant
Claudia Solis
Reef-Sunset Middle School
559-386-4128 ext. 5116
email: csolis@rsusd.org

School Nurse Assistant
Valerie Briseno
Tamarack Elementary
559-386-4051 ext. 6062

School Nurse Assistant
Bryanna Loya
Kettleman City Elementary
559-386-5702 ext. 4017

School Nurse Assistant
Isel Vargas
Avenal Elementary School
559-386-5173 ext. 3050
California Healthy Kids Survey
The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. In RSUSD, it is administered to students at grades third through twelve. It enables schools and communities to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, school climate, protective factors, and school violence. The CHKS is part of a comprehensive data-driven decision-making process on improving school climate and student learning environment for overall school improvements.

As your school prepares for 2025-26 TK/K enrollment, make sure you have resources to help incoming students meet immunization requirements.
Strategies to Consider:
Review this free online training for school staff on immunization requirements.
Make sure you have the Guide to Immunization Requirements and the California Immunization Handbook (Blue Book) on hand.
Visit the CDPH Shots for School website for more implementation tools.
Request immunization records from families of all incoming TK/K students; let them know that immunization requirements must be met before the start of school.
Inform them that they can request access to their student’s Digital Vaccine Record to share as proof of immunization.
Share the Parents’ Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry | Spanish | Arabic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese (Simplified) | Farsi | Hindi | Hmong | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Tagalog | Ukrainian | Vietnamese.
Staff can use the School and Child Care Roster Lookup (SCRL) to determine which students are up to date, conditional, or overdue for required immunizations.
Once you have assessed students’ records, use these templates to let families know which additional shots their student’s need, if any: Letter to Parents: Immunizations Needed | Spanish | Arabic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese (Simplified) | Farsi | Hindi | Hmong | Japanese | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Thai | Tagalog | Ukrainian | Vietnamese.
Thank you for protecting the health of your students!

Order you Free Covid Tests today!
COVID-19 testing can help you know if you have COVID-19 so you can decide what to do next, like getting treatment to reduce your risk of severe illness and taking steps to lower your chances of spreading the virus to others.
Your order of COVID tests is completely free – you won’t even pay for shipping.
For more information, please click on the following link:

¡Ordene hoy sus pruebas de Covid gratuitas!
La prueba de COVID-19 le puede ayudar a saber si tiene COVID-19, para que pueda decidir lo que va a hacer, como buscar tratamiento para reducir su riesgo de enfermarse gravemente y tomar medidas para reducir la probabilidad de propagar el virus a otras personas.
Su pedido de pruebas de COVID es completamente gratuito: ni siquiera pagará el envío.
Para mas informacion, por favor haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
California launches free apps offering youth mental health services
LOS ANGELES -- This month, the state launched two new apps to support youth mental health.
This is just one piece of a $4.7 billion investment in mental health and substance-use support, according to California Gov. Gavin Newsom's master plan for kids' mental health.
"The reality is that we're rarely more than six feet away from our devices," Director of California Youth Behavioral Initiative Dr. Sohil Sud said. "And so the question is, how can we leverage tech as a resource for all California's youth and families."
The global pandemic put a spotlight on the nation's mental health crisis. In California, nearly 300,000 youth cope with major depression according to Newsom's 2022 report.
In a virtual press conference, the California Department of Health Services showed two apps offering free mental health services including virtual coaching, access to crisis resources and a library of exercises and articles.
BrightLife Kids is for parents or caregivers and children up to 12 years old while Soluna is geared toward teens and young adults ages 13 to 25.
for more information click on link bellow:

Norovirus outbreaks can spread quickly in schools and childcare centers because germs spread easily in shared spaces. Norovirus transmission isn't significantly reduced by alcohol-based hand disinfectants, despite their effectiveness against many viruses and bacteria that cause gastroenteritis. Parents and teachers can help protect kids by teaching them how to wash their hands with soap and water properly. Learn more:

Los brotes de norovirus pueden propagarse rápidamente en escuelas y guarderías porque los gérmenes se propagan fácilmente en espacios compartidos. La transmisión del norovirus no se reduce significativamente con los desinfectantes de manos a base de alcohol, a pesar de su eficacia contra muchos virus y bacterias que causan la gastroenteritis. Los padres y maestros pueden ayudar a proteger a los niños enseñándoles cómo lavarse las manos con agua y jabón correctamente. Aprende más: