Homeless Support, McKinney-Vento Act “Homeless children and youth” are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. If you believe your child may be eligible, contact us. 205 N. Park Ave., Avenal, CA | Reef-Sunset USD Juan Ruiz, McKinney-Vento Liaison 559-386-9083 |
Fresno EOC Sanctuary Transitional Shelter 1046 T Street, Fresno, CA 93721 | Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission 559-931-1444 |
Homeless Shelters Kings County | |
Kings/Tulare Homeless Alliance 519 N Douty St., Hanford, CA 93230 | Kings/Tulare Homeless Alliance 559-738-8733 |
Kings Community Action Food pantry, nutrition education and hunger prevention | |
McKinney-Vento Kings County Office of Ed Provides information and resources for homeless children and youths and their right to enroll, attend, participate fully, and succeed in school. (McKinney-Vento Act) 876 E. D St., Lemoore, CA 93245 | Kings County Office of Education info.mckinneyvento@kingscoe.org Lavena Najera, Youth Services Liaison 559-589-2667 |
Proteus provides assistance with rent and other resources. 220 N. 11th Ave., Hanford CA 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F | 559-582-9253 |
Central California Family Center | 559-784-0192 |
Fresno Marjaree Mason Center | 559-237-4701 |
Kings Co. Barbara Seville Women's Shelter | 877-727-3225 |
Housing Resources | Call 211 |
KCAO - REACH provides assistance with utilities | Kings Community Action Organization Text “energy” to 559-314-3627 to receive updates regarding Home & Energy programs. |