Meal Times:
(excerpt from Daily Schedule pg10)
AM Session
8:15 - 8:45 Greeting, Health check, Handwashing, Breakfast
10:45 – 11:15 Lunch, Music, Goodbyes
PM Session
12:30 – 1:00 Greeting, Health check, Handwashing, Lunch
3:10 – 3:30 Snack Time, Music, Goodbyes
All Day Pre-K
8:00am-8:30am Breakfast
11:20am-12:00pm Lunch & Transition to NapTime
2:30pm-3:00pm Snack
(Meals served to the supervising adults are not reimbursable.)
Traditional Meals (pre-plated)
Avenal Elementary School Cafeteria will be providing breakfast, lunch for am session and lunch and afternoon snack for pm session. Food will be dispersed to children by Preschool Staff in the classroom.
When serving pre-plated meals, the center staff and the Food Service Department for the school district ( located at Avenal Elementary School cafeteria ) must ensure that all meal components, including milk, are served to each participant at the same time.
During the course of the meal, it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to actively encourage each participant to accept the required portion of each food component of the meal pattern. We view our mealtime as a learning experience for the children. Our staff models appropriate table manners.
Children and staff practice good manners in a pleasant mealtime setting.
Children learn and practice social skills, like taking turns, passing food to others, saying please and thank you, and helping to set the table.
Children often want to try new foods when they see other children and adults eating them.
Children and staff can enjoy quiet conversations and a relaxed meal together.
Talk about the types of foods they are eating (don’t forget about color, texture, etc.).
Have enough food available to meet meal pattern requirements.
Some food may spill as children learn to serve themselves. Allow for this.